Thursday, September 3, 2020

Agility Logistics

In the business-financial framework, coordinations is one of the essential parts that fuel achievement of organizations. Each organization has an extraordinary financial plan for coordinations. Coordinations is the angle that deals with the company’s stream of assets and data so as to fit in with the consumers’ necessities †from stock to packaging.Mainly, it is about the development of assets and assets starting with one business then onto the next until it arrives at the clients. In the ongoing years, coordinations has become an essential piece of the creation cost with its number going from 5% to 10%.Moreover, coordinations isn’t only crucial to organizations yet to the legislature also. As indicated by research, coordinations is even said to have begun from the military’s need to gracefully themselves with ammo and arms. Military coordinations, otherwise called battle administration support, complete the arranging, advancement and upkeep of every s ingle military activity. It bargains for the most part on anticipating the provisions and administrations needed.Military authorities put together their appraisal and investigation with respect to coordinations. It helps significantly in the improvement of offices and preparing. In light of the advancements in military coordinations, the administration had the option to create procedures in national safeguard and security handling.To meet each company’s needs, the idea of outsider coordinations was defined. A third part coordinations gives re-appropriated coordinations administrations to organizations, in this manner making company’s commitments and duties simpler. A few organizations employ a third part coordinations as opposed to going through cash in the formation of their coordinations department.Currently, there are a great many organizations everywhere throughout the world that represent considerable authority in the field of coordinations, giving third part coor dinations to different organizations. Among the main ten organizations making names in third part coordinations is Agility.Agility OverviewAgility is an organization known worldwide in the field of coordinations, all the more explicitly in third part coordinations. It has in excess of 32,000 representatives, and more than 550 workplaces around the world. Readiness characterized their administrations into three business gatherings: Global Integrated Logistics (GIL), Defense and Government Services (DGS) and Investments. The business bunches are depicted in their official site as follows:The Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) business bunch offers an incorporated arrangement of coordinations arrangements bolstered by an exhaustive system of warehousing offices, transportation and cargo the executives administrations worldwide.Defense and Government Services (DGS), our administration contracting gathering, use our worldwide coordinations organize and our reputat ion of excellent support of give thorough coordinations answers for the resistance and government sector.Agility’s Investments business bunches covers three lines of organizations †Real Estate, Private Equity and Trade Facilitation, and our aptitude in developing markets to create prevalent venture opportunities.Agility’s clients extend from organizations identified with innovation, different retail items to oil related enterprises. As indicated by the president and CEO of Agility, Essa Al Saleh, â€Å"Agility offers client driven arrangements devoted to meeting our customer’s gracefully chain needs.† Each of Agility’s business bunch group is committed to meet each customized client needs in the complex financial system.One Company, Three Business GroupsOne outstanding procedure of Agility is the division of their organization into three business gatherings: Global Integrated Logistics, Defense and Government Services and Investments. Every cu stomer has exceptional requirements. For the most part, needs are talked about in a general and rather ambiguous manner.With Agility’s three business gatherings, needs are limited until distinguished and arranged among the gatherings. Every one of the three business bunches has explicit capacities and arrangements especially intended to answer the necessities of the clients.The monetary framework is mind boggling. Furthermore, the legislature additionally has needs that ought to be gone to expertly. In the mission to turning into the pioneer in coordinations, Agility made a system that will make them the principal alternative of any organization, business or government from everywhere throughout the world with regards to coordinations needs.The administrations that coordinations organizations offer have a wide range. By arranging the administrations into three explicit zones, the customers promptly observe what Agility needs to offer.One of Agility’s primary yell out i s serving its clients’ customized needs. The three business bunches serve this maxim. In view of this procedure, at whatever point a customer has coordinations needs or at whatever point a customer is searching for a coordinations organization to be redistributed, Agility will consistently be an alternative. For instance, when an administration office, military for example,Global Integrated LogisticsSupply Chain SolutionsAgility has a few administrations under its Supply Chain Solutions: Warehousing and Distribution, Facilities Management, Just-in Time, Vendor Managed Inventory, Employee Relocation, Contract Logistics Management, Origin Cargo Management, Direct to Store and Reverse Logistics.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

DWIGHT EISENHOWER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DWIGHT EISENHOWER - Essay Example In 1944-1945, as the pioneer of the Western Front, Dwight Eisenhower figured out how to effectively attack and possess Germany and France1.In 1951, he was named as the main military incomparable pioneer of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.He likewise filled in as the Chief of Staff, under the Harry Truman administration. Dwight Eisenhower entered the United States political field in 1952, so as to counter the dangers that originated from socialist Korea. He additionally occupied with governmental issues so as to counter the non-interventionism strategies that were drafted by Senator Robert Taft. During his first year of presidency2, Eisenhower figured out how to support an upset in Iran. This prompted the oust of Mohammad Mosadegh. This was after the Iranian government nationalized its oil saves, which were for the most part constrained by the British and American organizations. On this premise, nationalization of the oil stores would have affected adversely on the American int erests. Perhaps the best accomplishment of Dwight Eisenhower was to persuade China to stop the1950 to 1953 war that was between South Korea and North Korea. South Korea was bolstered by United Nations, while North Korea was upheld by China. North Korea rehearsed socialism as an arrangement of administration. In this war, under the sponsorship of the United Nations, United States of America contributed over 80% of the soldiers that worked in South Korea.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Imagination in Heroics of Odysseus and Don Quixote Essay Example

Creative mind in Heroics of Odysseus and Don Quixote Paper The most regarded and revered social gathering in old occasions and medieval times were that of the gallant warriors, knights, and lords. The perspective on what it is to be a legend is winning honor through battle and in a serious circumstance. A legend would be somebody who has extraordinary battling ability and would even set out to hazard passing to have respect. The legends were the individuals who might lead their militaries or individual knights into fight and won awards for their fearlessness showed on the front line. Then again, the fearful were exposed to solid preference. Their reality was viewed as a weight on the earth and they were overlooked and mocked by everybody. This honorable trademark is obvious in the Odyssey by Homer and Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. Both the creators draw various attributes of being a legend in various manners. In the Odyssey, insignificant battling ability doesn't really imply that Odysseus was the saint. Or maybe, we see a man who is exceptionally canny and shrewd. In spite of the fact that he is a splendid warrior, he likewise shows restriction and benevolence. Then again, Don Quixote was not a conceived legend like Odysseus. We will compose a custom paper test on Imagination in Heroics of Odysseus and Don Quixote explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Imagination in Heroics of Odysseus and Don Quixote explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Imagination in Heroics of Odysseus and Don Quixote explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer He is betrayed by chivalric thoughts of gallantry and valor and embarks to change the world alongside his reasonable partner Sancho Panza. Both the legends are from two totally different occasions of the world yet them two attempted to vanquish the world with their gallant demonstrations. Its not simply their gallant demonstrations that set them as two of the most famous legends ever; its additionally their creative mind or capacity to summon things that makes them stick out. In any case, in examination, creative mind is the key which makes Don Quixote as the saint where creative mind just adds a measurement to Odysseus character that rules him alongside different qualities. Saints are prestigious for their wealth of characteristics that empower them to overcome any issue. Odysseus, from The Odyssey, is the same. He speaks to the courageous standards of Ancient Greece, and is adored for his persistence, insight, and initiative capacities. Greek saints were the individuals who spared individuals; they were fearless astute and had battling soul. In any case, aside from all, all the Greek saints used to be supported by the awesome divine beings. Odysseus holds practically all the chivalrous characteristics. Be that as it may, he was not constantly preferred by the great divine beings in his decade long journey as expressed by The Study Club (1922)- As a saint, Odysseus, it is valid, positions far beneath Achilles, yet he is an a lot more noteworthy figure one who can suffer without despair, even the disgrace of the divine beings and can by quality of will and the direction of reason in the end triumph against mind boggling chances (p. 115). Anyway, on the off chance that it was not the assistance of the divine beings or whenever was not just his quality and force, what was it that causes him to endure such a long excursion? It was his mind, it was his fanciful that spared in many event. It not just spared him, it additionally recognizes him from numerous other Greek saints who are associated with their muscles, not for their cerebrums. Odysseus takeoff from Troy is the start of his long chivalrous experience. What of those long stretches of unpleasant experience, endured under Zeus? (Book 1)- This statement delineates not just the harsh occasions Odysseus will have on his excursion, yet in addition uncovers that Zeus will look out for him. Odysseus will cross the limit and go to places from where nobody has returned previously. On the island of the Cyclops Odysseus shows his capacities, as he built up an arrangement to get away from the Cyclops cavern. Odysseus has this arrangement and uses it. He and the majority of his men get away from the cavern safe. This represented the break from the midsection of the whale (Anthony, 1972). All through his excursion, Odysseus gets some assistance from heavenly powers, which help him to satisfy the courageous journey. Aeolus, the divine force of winds Presents Odysseus with a sack, loaded up with all the awful breezes. In spite of the fact that this was an extraordinary assistance to Odysseus, it didn't keep going long. Odysseus additionally had help from different divine beings and goddesses. Be that as it may, it was his own expertise that helped Odysseus to pass the deterrents in a steady progression. He turns into the first to ever pass the island of the alarms safe. He doesn't divert with the stunning tempting melodies of the alarms. The men filled their ears with wax and just Odysseus, who was attached to the pole, had the option to hear the enticing tunes. As they passed the island, Odysseus shouted to be free, yet the men would not free him. It was an enticement that Odysseus holds in line through premonition and creative mind. Also, when Odysseus and his groups are caught in the pen of Cyclops, he again utilizes his insight. He understands that he can't crush the one-peered toward beast with his blade and muscle. Or maybe, he picked to hang tight for the perfect second and outsmart Cyclops. When asked his name, Odysseus revealed to Polyphemus that his name is Nobody. Odysseus takes care of the Cyclops some wine, which made him nod off. At that point Odysseus and his group took an enormous consuming timber and blinded the Cyclops. In the wake of hearing his cries, Polyphemuss neighbors, other one-peered toward beasts come racing to the cavern. Polyphemus hollered to his neighbors through the stone entryway, Nobody is murdering me! No one has blinded me! (Book IX) The neighbors excused his cries and come back to their own caverns. Here, from the outset when Odyssey camouflages himself as Nobody, it appears there I no genuine hugeness in this. Be that as it may, at last it comes out as the stunt that makes Polyphemus abandoned and disconnected when different Cyclops believes that he is simply excessively smashed and went crazy. Comparable treatment is gotten by Circe, the sorceress, as Odysseus realized that she is unreasonably solid for him and in the event that he doesn't counter her with his knowledge, he will transform into pigs alongside his groups. Accordingly, he again hangs tight for the advantageous second and when it is there, he puts his blade on her throat and advances out. Again when he comes back to Ithaca, he doesn't simply return to home. He is especially mindful that things are not equivalent to he left them. There are admirers around here and a considerable lot of them are prepared to slaughter him and toss him out of his position of royalty. Rather, Odysseus camouflaged himself as a homeless person and begins to increase solid sidekicks. At last, when Penelope orchestrates the challenge, suspecting the homeless person is none yet his tragically deceased spouse; Odysseus again demonstrates he is better than the admirers and executes every one of them individually. What's more, it doesn't end here since he understood he and his family is as yet not out of risk as the buddies of the dead admirers will search for retribution lastly he triumphs over them too. In some other story of epic, the saint would experience not taken this difficulty of find the stowaway play. They would have rather come directly to defy their rivals and beat them after a furious fight and triumph. It is the mind, knowledge and the vision that recognize him from numerous other epic legends. As opposed to Odysseus, Don Quixote isn't simply one more epic legend. He is anything but an energetic and solid knight or warrior who goes to a fight, battle furiously and overcomes them inevitably. He is fairly a man who has passed the prime of youth and now living in his medieval times. He has never gone to any fight or knight-errant, neither does he has any related knowledge to battle. In Don Quixotes time, perusing was the main diversion in the home. A great many people werent very accomplished at any rate so some couldn't differentiate among imagine and reality. That is most likely why individuals who read the book of scriptures took it so truly. The pastors were increasingly instructed and realized how to exploit the individuals. Individuals were so scared of what it needed to state; they did whatever it said so they would progress nicely (Madariaga, 1928). Wear Quixote did likewise as those strict individuals. He accepts precisely what he read. Shockingly for him, those books were obsolete; there were no knights in protection any longer. He persuaded a less instructed man to accompany him on his movements. His assistant isn't as taught however he has great presence of mind. Along these lines, Don Quixote is really the tale of how a standard man turns into a legend even with his senseless and silly deeds. In medieval occasions, knights wandered the wide open of Europe, saving individuals and vanquishing abhorrent rulers and magicians. This may sound ludicrous to numerous individuals in this time, however consider the possibility that an individual read such a significant number of books about these supposed knight-errants that he was unable to decide the genuine from that which was perused. Such is the situation in The Adventures of Don Quixote which happens at some point in the fifteenth and mid sixteenth hundreds of years. Wear Quixote isn't generally a wear by any stretch of the imagination. He is a rich, wise rancher who read an excessive number of books about knight-errantry and goes insane. He persuaded a stupid laborer named Sancho to turn into his assistant, promising him riches and a high spot in the public eye. Together they go for some undertakings, both are persuaded that they are doing daring and fair demonstrations of valor, when they are just two boneheads going around the open country. Intriguing part about Don Quixote is that his whole experience depends on his creative mind. He lives in his own perfect world where he sees everything from an extraordinary knights viewpoint, however the knights are a distant memory. He envisions himself as one of the extraordinary knights and promises to take the crucial salvage humanity. In his one of his experiences, he runs over a man named Juan Haldudo lashing his shepherd kid and thinks Haldudo is a malicious knight. He challenges the rancher and causes him to depend on the code of valor that he will pay all t

Friday, June 12, 2020

Last Trip Of Amelia Earhart - Free Essay Example

On June 1, 1937, Amelia Earhart began her infamous journey with hopes to become the first woman to fly around the world. Having already broken many aviating barriers, Earhart was no stranger to these types of challenges. She had already set and broken many flying records for women, this did not seem to be too far out of reach for Earhart. Unfortunately, this trip turned out to be her last (Michals).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For almost 80 years, the remains and resting place of Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan were thought to be lost forever. However, recent discoveries and improvements in technology may have changed that. In 1940, only two and a half years after the disappearance of Earhart and her plane, thirteen bones were found along the shore of Nikumaroro Island (Eltagouri). This island is only 350 nautical miles from the Howland Islands, where Earhart was aiming to stop to refuel her aircraft.   A reexamination of this evidence strongly suggests that the mystery of Amelia Earharts disappearance has been solved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From an early age, Earhart resented her father due to his frustration and unhappiness with his lack of provisions to his family. Because of his unhappiness, Amelias father, Edwin, often turned to alcohol and became an alcoholic. Seeing what her father had become, Earhart decided that she would be independent and share equal responsibilities with a man, not allowing herself to depend on them financially (Krystek). In 1920, Amelia rode in a plane for the first time and began to take flying lessons with Neta Snook, the first female to graduate from the Curtiss School of Aviation. In June 1921, Earhart took her first solo flight and was almost always in the air, becoming the best pilot she could be. In 1922, she set the maximum altitude obtained by a woman pilot at 14,000 feet (Michals). However, in 1924, Earharts parents divorced and she decided to take a break from flying to enroll at Columbia University. She dropped out less than a semester into her studie s because she believed that That semester [at Columbia University] convinced me that I didnt have the qualities to be an M.D. For one, I lacked the patience. I wanted to be doing something, not preparing for it (Krystek). In 1926, she became a social worker in Boston.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1927, the first solo flight from New York to Paris was made by Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh. Soon after, Mrs. Fredrick Guess decided that it was time for a woman to try to recreate this flight. Being very wealthy, Mrs. Guess planned on buying an aircraft and hiring a crew to do just this. However, after reassessing the dangers of this journey, Mrs. Guess decided that she would not make this flight. She then became determined to find someone that she deemed was able to fit the image that she had in mind. In 1928, Earhart received a phone call from George Palmer Putnam, a publisher who had hopes of publishing the story of the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Although she was just a passenger, this trip brought Earhart an immense amount of fame and popularity (Krystek). Earhart married Putnam in 1931 after he had proposed to her multiple times. Although it has been reported that they most likely were not a perfect match, Earhart enjoyed how Putnam allowed her to be independent and continue to fly and how he became her business manager (Krystek).   Although she was grateful for her new found fame, Earhart felt like she did not deserve anything because she did not pilot the journey, but rather was just a passenger. In 1932, five years after her initial transAtlantic journey, she became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean by herself. But her goals did not end there. In 1937, Amelia Earhart attempted to become the first female to pilot her way around the globe. With the help of her navigator, Fred Noonan, Earhart began her journey in March 1937 in Hawaii. For the most part, this trip ran according to plan until June 1937. On June 1, 1937, while on their way to the Howland Islands to stop for fuel, Earharts plane went missing (Raff). While the exact resting location of Earhart and Noonan may remain unknown forever, there are many theories surrounding the subject. The most popular and recent theory is that Earharts plane ran out of fuel and crashed on Nikumaroro Island, only 350 nautical miles away from her anticipated destination. It is known that Earharts plane was off course by a few degrees, presumably from the wind, so it is likely that this theory could be correct (Hartigan Shea).   In 1940, only two and a half years after the disappearance of Earhart and Noonan, thirteen unidentifiable bones were found on the island of Nikumaroro by British explorers. These bones were shipped to Fiji to be studied and examined. Unfortunately, at the time forensic osteology was not very advanced and was not yet a well-developed discipline, and Hoodlesss [the scientist responsible for studying these bones] methods of determining sex were inadequate compared to modern techniques (Eltagouri). Because of this, these bones were measured and studied but were originally found to not match the description of the bones of Earhart. However, recent studies by University of Tennessee professor Richard L. Jantz show that, while nothing can be confirmed, there is up to a 99% chance that these bones were indeed Amelia Earharts. Jantz compared the lengths of the bones to Earharts measurements, using her height, weight, body build, limb lengths and proportions, based on photographs and information found on her pilots and drivers licenses. His findings revealed that Earharts bones were more similar to the Nikumaroro bones than 99 [percent] of individuals in a large reference sample.  Ã‚   In the case of the Nikumaroro bones, the only documented person to whom they may belong is Amelia Earhart, Jantz wrote in the study (Eltagouri).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Amelia Earhart was an amazing aviator who broke many records. Without her ambition and achievements, aviation standards my not be where they are now. Despite breaking the record for the highest flight by a woman and being the first woman to travel transAtlantic as a passenger, Earhart was not satisfied. She attempted to become the first female pilot to navigate this transAtlantic flight, but unfortunately, Earhart was unsuccessful. While there are many theories as to what happened to them, the final resting place of Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan may forever remain unknown.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

College Shower Dos and Donts

Unless youve spent a lot of time at summer camp,  theres a good chance youve  never enjoyed the dubious pleasures of a shared shower. Dorm showers are a little nicer than camp showers, but while summer campers are children with few concerns about privacy and hygiene, college students are young adults. Standards are higher, and you need to know the unwritten rules of college showers. What College Dorm Showers Are Like Most dorms have large bathrooms for each hall. If youre in a single-sex dorm you may have two bathrooms on your floor available for your use. If youre in a coed dorm, there may be separate bathrooms for each gender or shared bathrooms. In most dorms, bathrooms include multiple sinks, toilet stalls, mirrors, and separate curtained showers. If youre living off-campus or in a fraternity or sorority house, the situation may be different. You may, for example, need to take turns using a single-user bathroom. Alternatively, you may need to create a bathroom schedule. The college shower is both a very private and a very public place. Whether youre in a dorm, an off-campus apartment, or even in a situation where you have your own room but share  a bathroom with others, its important to know how things work so no one gets offended or embarrassed. So how can you make sure you know the dos and donts that surround the college shower? The Dos Do wear shower shoes. You may love every person in your residence hall or Greek house, but feet are feet and dirt is dirt. Wearing shower shoes can actually protect you from infections, so make sure you have an extra, shower-only pair of flip-flops at all times.Do bring a shower caddy. A shower caddy is a hanging bag or container you carry with you from your room to the bathroom and back again. Find one that works for you so you can always have your shampoo, conditioner, razor, and anything else you might need handy.Do bring a towel or robe to wear back to your room. Forgetting your towel can be a nightmare, so hook it onto your shower caddy, or even better, fold it on top so that you never forget one without the other.Do clean your hair out of the drain. Youre in a shared space now, so treat it with the respect youd want from someone else and do a quick swipe to make sure you dont leave hair in the drain for the next person. The Donts Dont take an unreasonable amount of time. Taking a ton of time in the shower may feel nice for you, but it creates a huge backlog of people who need to shower. Remember that youre part of a community and try to keep your shower time brief.Dont shower with a friend. Having, shall we say, romantic encounters in the shower is not only disrespectful to others in your hall, but its also inappropriate and, perhaps worst of all, pretty darned gross. With all the private spaces that a college offers, take your friend somewhere a little nicer and more personal.Dont expect too much privacy. Yes, youll have your own stall, and most likely it will have doors or a curtain. But you are sharing a bathroom with others, so just be prepared for people talking, using up the hot water, coming in and out of the bathroom, and basically eliminating the kind of privacy you might be used to back at home.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pygmalion and My Fair Lady - 3190 Words

Discuss the different ways of representing class conflicts. Pygmalion, Bernard Shaw, 1914 My Fair Lady, George Cukor, 1964 â€Å"As the purpose of comedy is to correct the vices of men, I see no reason why anyone should be exempt.† This famous quotation of French playwright Molià ¨re proves how powerfully theater and social criticism are linked, and how in its different genres, drama as well as comedy, theater can, and maybe must, be a way of communicating and expressing the human and society’s flaws. Indeed, theater, as defined by Marvin Carlson, is a â€Å"collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place.† This specificity of theatrical†¦show more content†¦In this scene from the movie, Eliza has attempted to clean up and change her appearance in order to look more lady-like. However, even after her efforts, she stands out as poor and inadequate compared to Henry Higgins, Colonel Pickering and even Mrs. Pearce, who is also of the working class. Physical appearance is of utter importance when it comes to differentiating each class, and can also be modified in order to move among the social hierarchy. During the Vth Act, a maid mistakes Alfred Doolittle for a gentleman, and Bernard Shaw insists on the fact that it is due to his new physical aspect: â€Å" He is brilliantly dressed in a new fashionable frock-coat, with white waistcoat and grey trousers. A flower in his buttonhole, a dazzling silk hat, and patent leather shoes complete the effect.† Furthermore, Eliza’s transformation is made most evident throughout her clothing, which consists of at the beginning of her flower girl outfit, dirty and gloomy, and ends with her ball gown, rich and bright. However, what matters most when it comes to class distinction is speech. The play and the movie are all based on the importance of language, and its power on to build or break an individual. Eliza at the beginning of the plot speaks in a terrible manner, proving her low origins. Her spee ch contrasts vividly with Henry’s, especiallyShow MoreRelatedPygmalion And My Fair Lady1449 Words   |  6 PagesAmanda Franks Professor Egenolf Response Paper 2 11/11/2015 Pygmalion and My Fair Lady: A Comparison George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion (1916) and the 1964 American film My Fair Lady, based on Shaw’s play, are largely similar in plot and character choice; My Fair Lady being an adaptation of Pygmalion. Shaw’s Pygmalion is based on the Greek myth of Pygmalion and his statue Galatea. The film interpretation is similar to the play in many aspects, though it is different in that, because itRead More Pygmalion My Fair Lady Essay652 Words   |  3 Pages Pygmalion amp; My Fair Lady nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The play Pygmalion and My Fair Lady, the musical, are the same story. The only major difference between the two, is that My Fair Lady has songs added to the dialogue. I believe the musical version is more enjoyable because the music adds more feeling to the story. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The opening scene is after an opera. The higher class people spill out into the streets. It is here that Eliza is selling her flowers. Eliza isRead MoreEssay on Comparing Pygmalion and My Fair Lady1009 Words   |  5 PagesComparing Pygmalion and My Fair Lady Through the years, countless film directors have adapted and recreated various novels and plays to make them ideal for the big-screen. In many cases, directors strive to keep their screenplay adaptations true to the original literature; however, viewers often find contrasts in certain areas of the film. 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He is most famously known for his successful play ‘Pygmalion’ which was widely accepted as one of the most noted comedies of the time. It was written two years before the 1st world war, at a time when society was divided and the poor were severely disadvantaged whilst the rich were i dle and blindly living their life, unconcerned about the affairs of others. At the time, Britain hadRead MoreEssay about Pygmalion, by Bernard Shaw3404 Words   |  14 Pages Bernard Shaw Pygmalion A Romance in Five Acts 1. Summary of the Play, page 2 2. Introduction and Short Analysis of the Main Character, page 4 3. Interpretation, page 5 4. Additional Information, page 7 5. Literature and Links, page 8 1. Summary London at 11.15 a.m., on a rainy summer day. Everybodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s running for shelter because of the torrential storm. A bunch of people ist gathering in St. Pauls church, looking outside and waiting for the rain to stop. Among the crowd, there

Time Travelers Wife free essay sample

The Time Traveler’s Wife (Film) A Reaction Paper Why is love intensified by absence? (Niffenegger, 2003) The Time Travelers Wife is a romantic drama film directed by Robert Schwentke and was based on a novel by Audrey Niffenegger of the same title. The film tells the story of Henry DeTamble (Eric Bana), a librarian who suffers from a genetic disorder that causes him to jump back and forth in time, and Clare Abshire (Rachel McAdams), as they endeavor to live a happy and normal life. In the early 1970s, a six year-old Henry survives a car accident wherein his mother died. The tension before the impact enabled him to travel back two weeks before the accident. He was then transported back into the present and witnessed the death of his mother before him. An older version of him tries to help Henry by explaining that he is indeed a time traveler. We will write a custom essay sample on Time Travelers Wife or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Henry finds himself living the past, present, and future at the same time. In 1991, Henry meets for the first time an art student named Clare. Though she is delighted to see him, Henry was not able to recognize her. She later reveals that the future Henry time traveled and met the six year old Clare. They develop a relationship and Henry finally felt permanence in his life. Subsequently, the couple enters a married life which will be teemed with obstacles brought about by Henry’s condition. The film Time Traveler’s Wife employed time travel as one of main character’s flaw and strong point at the same time expressing the love story that attracts most of the women audience. Its title and movie trailer just provides sufficient ideas that will make you think about it and finally watch the film. Considering the fact that it was primarily based on a book, it can be posited that the story was crammed and made to fit in the specific amount of time. This caused the movie to lose its richness which left the supporting characters with little exposure who may have contributed to the audience’s understanding and interpretation and to the story’s further development. Moreover, the film focused too much on the love story of Henry and Clare and ignored the other characters’ involvement and influence on the main characters’ decision as opposed to the book. Critiques aside, the story was very poignant. It provided various themes such as the importance of time, love, family, marriage, sex and reality. Love was expressed and interpreted by the characters in various ways—physical lovemaking, Clare’s patience (or impatience) for waiting Henry from his travels, and sacrifices that each of them made in their pursuit of happiness. It was emphasized that love is an important aspect of life that overcomes and recognizes no obstacles. The film also gives the audience the idea of struggle between life as something that is already written and pre-determined, and the capacity or power of our free will and choices. Sex and racism, to some extent, is depicted in the movie. It shows the importance of physical connection to the intimacy of the main characters. In addition, the character of Eric Bana criticized the Republicans and hunters. Lastly, versions of reality were presented—that of Henry’s and of Clare’s. It gives the audience the impression that reality is subjective and thereby influenced by emotions. Time Traveler’s Wife can be considered as a carpe diem movie. Although it contains a timeline structure that is quite confusing for the viewers and disturbing scenes and language, the film earns the audience awe and tears by the story of two lovers who are victims of the unpredictable fate.